Renogy Phoenix Solar Generator Review

Are you going out into the wilderness with a portable HiFi and your favourite sounds? With the Renogy Phoenix Solar Generator, you won't have to compromise your power needs just to spend some time in the great outdoors! The Phoenix is an all-in-one portable solar power system specifically designed for mobile, off-grid applications and is ideal for emergencies. The Renogy Phoenix can be charged by solar, AC power, or car power.
The Renogy Phoenix is ideal for powering several on-the-go appliances during a weekend trip, or to keep for back-up power in case of an emergency. The Phoenix is an all-in-one portable solar power system specifically designed for mobile, off-grid applications, and is ideal for emergencies.
As we continue to carry more electronic devices with rechargeable batteries into the backcountry, the need to find efficient ways of keeping those gadgets powered on increases too. And now Renogy has thrown its hat into the ring with the Phoenix all-in-one solar kit, which makes a valiant attempt to put everything you need into one easy to carry package.

Renogy Phoenix Solar Generator
At first glance, the Renogy Phoenix looks a lot like a small, hard-shell briefcase that you might see someone carrying around town. It features a very durable build quality and comes equipped with a handle to make it easier to shuttle from one place to the next. It even extends the briefcase aesthetic further with a couple of security latches that hold its lid firmly in place.
Open those latches up, and you won't find an interior built for carrying files, a laptop, and office supplies. Instead you'll discover a pair of 10-watt solar panels that can quickly and easily be deployed as needed, pretty much anytime or anywhere. Those panels are connected to a 16Ah lithium-ion battery pack, which can store power collected directly from the sun, or can be charged using a standard AC outlet at home or the DC port (AKA: cigarette lighter) in a car. This solar-panel/battery mash-up make the Renogy Phoenix a portable generator that in theory can provide nearly unlimited power for use on the go.
Renogy's all-in-one power solution is also equipped with an array of different outlets to keep our devices charged. Those devices will even replenish their power supply at about the same rate as they would if they were plugged into a wall outlet at home.

In putting the Renogy Phoenix to the test in the field, we've found it to be a reliable option for those who need power at a remote base camp. It's large onboard battery does indeed provide plenty of juice, and it can recharge anything you plug into it very rapidly. And since it does have so many charging ports built right in, it is easy to keep a wide variety of electronic gear up and functioning.
When plugged into an AC or DC outlet, recharging the Renogy Phoenix at home or in the car is a breeze and it powers up relatively quickly. As with most products that use solar panels to charge, the performance in the field will vary greatly depending on conditions. Using the built-in dual 10w panels alone, it took hours to get much juice back into the battery pack, even on a clear day. That isn't unusual however, as we've seen similar performance from the competition too. The Phoenix's solar panels do work, but a bit of patience is required. If their requirements demand it, thankfully Renogy has given users the option to plug in more and larger solar panels.
Goal Zero's Nomad 20 solar panel also puts out 20 watts of power, and when paired with the Sherpa 100 power pack, you get a full-featured charging solution that clocks in at about a third of the weight, while also being much more packable and less expensive too. On the other hand, the Phoenix offers a lot more power than GZ's solution and it comes equipped with more outlets.

Over all, the Renogy Phoenix solar generator is a good option for those who need a portable power solution. It is incredibly rugged, offers the ability to keep just about any gadget functioning while living off the grid, and its solar panels are on par with most others that we've used in the past. I appreciated Renogy's take on offering an all-in-one solar generator that can simply be carried with you anywhere and deployed in a matter of seconds. I also love that I can keep a laptop, smartphone, and tablet charged where ever I go with very few worries that I might run out of juice. Sure, it is a bit heavier and more ponderous to carry around than some other options on the market, but it delivers in terms of performance for those who need more than those other solutions can offer.
Priced at $699.99 (currently on sale for $575), this is an expensive investment for sure. For anyone who needs power in remote places, it is an overall good choice in terms of reliability, versatility, and durability.
The Phoenix is an all-in-one portable solar power system specifically designed for mobile, off-grid applications and is ideal for emergencies. The Renogy Phoenix Solar Generator is quite versatile as it can be charged by solar power, AC power, or car power.

The Phoenix is ideal for powering several on-the-go appliances during a weekend trip, or to keep for back-up power in case of an emergency. The Renogy Phoenix is an all-in-one portable solar power system specifically designed for mobile, off-grid applications, and is ideal for emergencies. Goal Zero's Nomad 20 solar panel also puts out 20 watts of power, and when paired with the Sherpa 100 power pack, you get a full-featured charging solution that clocks in at about a third of the weight, while also being much more packable and less expensive too.

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